The National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) and University of Washington are partnering to support tribal communities: 1) strengthen epidemiologic surveillance and public health data infrastructure, 2) Increase implementation of evidence-based health interventions in health systems and 3) Highlight effective current opioid overdose prevention activities by managing and expanding a tribal opioid network to provide a clearinghouse for opioid information and approaches.
The goals of this web site are to create a one-stop hub for tribal opioid overdose prevention featuring on a web-based platform offering:
- Highlights of best practices and successful programs to include clinical, community-based, treatment, prevention, and related programs;
- Referrals for training and Technical Assistance;
- Web staff who are trained to respond and refer web users to TA providers’; and
- Resources compiled and identified through other Seven Directions tribal opioid prevention efforts such as Gathering Grounds and tribal opioid community of practice.
The information presented on this website is informed by meetings with Seven Directions Opioid Technical Advisory Group (OTAG), and through a listening session with CDC-funded partners at a Tribal Injury Prevention Partners meeting held in Atlanta, GA in March 2024.